Tarot Card of the Day: Three of Swords

Vik Kumar
The Tarot Cards by Guru Ji
2 min readJul 27, 2021


Three of Swords by guruji@thetarot.cards
Three of Swords — guruji@thetarot.cards


“Three of Swords” is a minor arcana from the suit of swords. Swords are the element of air. They represent “I Think” and is your mind. “Three of Swords” card shows a large heart stabbed by 3 swords from left, right, and center. There are blue thick clouds in the background against a blue sky. Another thing to notice is the white light coming from one of the clouds just behind the heart. Swords are cutting that portion of the card as well. “Three of Swords” is the only other card with no human in it (another is “Eight of Wands”).

Symbolic Meanings

The heart represents the emotional and relationship side of you. The thick blue clouds covering the sunlight indicate dark times. They do indicate rain as well which is further associated with emotions. The white sheen indicates some hope here.

Colors & Numbers

The major color in this card is blue which indicates truth and clarity. The red color indicates energy, passion, and the material World.

The number 3 is for acknowledgment and it further indicates a trio involved in the situation like a love triangle.

Interpretation for “Three of Swords” card

The “Three of Swords” is a painful card in the sense it shows the heart is hurt by others. It could be their mean words or behavior. The pain is real here and this happened unexpectedly. This is something you can’t do much about but this is the time to cry it out and move on. Here is the meaning of this card in various aspects of life:

Career & Finance You might get bullied or humiliated at the workplace by either your coworkers or superiors. There could be some backstabbing or people eating your roots. In a business setting, a partner might turn up dishonest and betray.

Family & Relationship This card brings emotional pain. It might be a case of choosing between two romantic partners or making tough choices in relationships. Someone close might bad mouth you or bully you or may hurt you in some other ways. Time to get over it and move on even if it is too hard to do it.

Health & Wellness This card talks about potential heart disease or situations leading to bad health. Advice is to have a medical checkup and focus on your health.

Overall, this card exposes the situation that might hurt you emotionally. The heart is though much bigger than the swords and shows this is a temporary situation and heart will heal with time.

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